Thursday, October 19, 2006

strangers who talk strange

its funny how a simple phone call from someone you dont even know can put you on track for the rest of the day. a business call that did not get right to the point, and instead digressed a little here and there on matters that matter ... without comprimising on the nature of the call.

nice. but we normally dont have time for these niceties do we?

nowadays we dont ask people we meet whether they sudah makan. instead we ask makan kat mane?. where we eat no longer depends on distance and weather, but more on venue, ambiance, the view ... and who you makan with.

life is getting complicated, or do we call it progress now?

i remember a stranger walked up to me out of the blue once, and we talked. he wasnt gay, i think, but it is hard to tell these days. he was nice though, and polite. might have been gay then. anyway, after a few minutes, i commented that it was nice of him to just walk up to me and talk. i noted that the only people who do so now are insurance ands proton salesmen (i said this while he was handing me his business card) he turned out to be an insurance salesman after all. thank god .. cos i didnt need another crap car.

when i traveling in india in a rented vehicle some years ago, our driver use to stop inches from a strangers, blowing dust into their already dusty faces, and shout out names of towns we were looking for. These strangers would just point to where we should go. I never heard the words "thank you" mentioned. maybe that was why we were always lost.


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