Monday, December 14, 2009

aussie thoughts

australians basically, and generally, have very short attention spans, unless the topic of conversation is about themselves. they spare no details in exerting their own views, and do so quite eloquently, if you listen very closely. very little regard, however, is normally given to understand the other party involved.

they also take pride in their own identity, and fear that it is slowly eroding away. there is a saying here ... "when in australia, speak english". firstly, they dont actually speak english, so the statement doesnt actually qualify. but if we take it at face value, it is a feeble attempt to close themselves off from foreign thoughts, cultures and beliefs. they are achieving their targets, and in the process, are losing out at an opportunity to widen their minds and souls. especially so since a majority of their neighbours are immigrants. but to assimilate, they first need to cross the first hurdle, which is to accept the fact that "others" are equal, if not better, than them. of course we are forgetting the idiots that seem to pour in the country through weak immigration laws. these people actually give reason for the unfortunate shallow behaviour being discussed. but thats a different story.

life here should also be more than mere lip service. "gday", "greetings mate", "and do have a nice day" .. when these words are uttered, you can tell if the utterer really means it, from the tone and manner. those who say it as mere lip service should actually forever hold their tongue. otherwise, aussies may end up as a robotic society. they may even have to eventually change their name to singapore.

working in australia is similar to malaysia. you find the same idiots here. the ones who appear the busiest are actually the ones who do the least. apple polishing goes a long way here too. there is always a long winded way to do something, replacing the simple method of getting something done. the "pencil pushers" strive to justify their existence, at the expense of the rest.

but all in all, aussies are a blast. they know how to have a good time and they make great company, especially over a few drinks. life can be a blast too, if one takes advantage of the positive aspects of australia. lets see now .......


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