the pipit
"pipit" or "burung pipit" are commonly know by malaysians of all races. these small birds have always been a menace in most rice-growing areas. you can say that they are practically eating out of the rice bowl of others.
small in size,they are nevertheless friendly. they can be noisy, especially when in groups, but hardly create an impact. scientists and remaining political analysts realised a change in their character last week, when they started congregating in large numbers all around the city.
they were seen attacking other species, including the more regal falcons and eagles, other scavengers species, and likewise pests. the attacks were unabated. the pipit kept reminding that they are protected under the akta perlindungan kehidupan liar . some likened themselves to sleeping tigers, which incurred the wrath of these almost extinct species.
scientists are hoping that after the week, the pipit will return to their normal habitat, lounging around padi fields, or mamak stalls , while re-creating stories of their hey days. scientists hope they will stop brandishing their tiny beaks and, in the process, end up hurting themselves.
but the other worry scientists have is the scavenger birds which have been feeding off the pipit. several species have thrived over the years, partly by feeding the pipit's easily inflated egos. these scavengers have been known to disrupt large areas by creating drum-like sounds. they also move around in large numbers, which gives them more security and confidence.
foreign experts are being called in to ascertain the developments taking place among our bird species. telescopes are zooming in nationwide to check on the pipit. may good sense prevail among the birds.
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