the stare
i had heard on numerous occasions that that the government was conducting a new high level experiment, but had shrugged it off as i am quite sceptical about most things that involve the government. but what i witnessed today makes me think otherwise.
stuck in traffic, i watched a cop in my rear view mirror, weaving through traffic on his motorbike, stopping right behind my car.
he started staring up ahead, and continued to do so for a good two minutes.(his colleague at the junction 100 metres away continued to let cars from the same road proceed, until the road up ahead is so clogged that we are unable to move when it was our turn - but thats another story.
miraculously, as he continued his stare, my row actually moved at least three feet. i know it was his stare that caused the movement. it was the confidence in his eyes. it was the same confidence that made him stop and stare, instead of assisting his colleague up ahead.
this was the experiment that i had heard people whisper about in the corridors of most of our government offices - nicknamed ops renung - to create a new breed of people who could get things done by staring at someone or something. apparently many have been selected for the programme, and there are rumours that some have shown results.
the participants apparently go through several stages of training. the first phase involves them doing undercover work as guards at government offices. do you ever wonder why there is a drag in your car when you drive into a restricted area, and the guard just stares at you? he is actually working at stopping you from entering by just staring at you, but you just dont realise it.
stuck in traffic, i watched a cop in my rear view mirror, weaving through traffic on his motorbike, stopping right behind my car.
he started staring up ahead, and continued to do so for a good two minutes.(his colleague at the junction 100 metres away continued to let cars from the same road proceed, until the road up ahead is so clogged that we are unable to move when it was our turn - but thats another story.
miraculously, as he continued his stare, my row actually moved at least three feet. i know it was his stare that caused the movement. it was the confidence in his eyes. it was the same confidence that made him stop and stare, instead of assisting his colleague up ahead.
this was the experiment that i had heard people whisper about in the corridors of most of our government offices - nicknamed ops renung - to create a new breed of people who could get things done by staring at someone or something. apparently many have been selected for the programme, and there are rumours that some have shown results.
the participants apparently go through several stages of training. the first phase involves them doing undercover work as guards at government offices. do you ever wonder why there is a drag in your car when you drive into a restricted area, and the guard just stares at you? he is actually working at stopping you from entering by just staring at you, but you just dont realise it.