Sunday, February 22, 2009

its been over a year

... since i last looked at my blog. how things have changed since. im sitting at a cyber cafe now cos i no longer have any internet connection. in fact, i dont have a car anymore, no home, no job .... nothing at all. sold all my wordly possesions, and have packed my bags to leave the country. off to perth, australia at 5.30pm, february 26, if the airasia flight takes off on time.
gonna be tough to head to a new country, have to do a lot of adjusting. i keep asking myself how im gonna live in a country that is not overcrowded with buntings and flowerpots. what do these people spend their tax payer's money on? how do they consider themselves to be developed when they havent sent anymore to space?
i guess i will just have to get used to these things.
also feel kind of bad leaving. maybe i should have just continued bitching about life here .. and not done anything about it. sigh .. do i also have to edit my profile now, since it says i have lived in malaysia all my life? so much to do .. so little time...
the last few days have been tough, sorting out stuff before leaving. our income tax department hasnt even taxed me for 2007, so i couldt pay them any money i may have owed them. wanted so much to ensure another minister could change his car ... but i was helpless. the guy at the water dept laughed ahen i asked fpr my deposit nine days after i cancelled my water supply... the people at astro said i had to write in and explain why i was cancelling my service, and do it one month in advance... i told them they could continue billing me ... or the person living in the house i have sold...
i feel like i will be moving back in time once i settle in perth. the pace will be much slower, as it was when i was growing up. i can drink water from the tap again, so i would save some money on water filters. with no protons, maybe i will be able to afford a decent car too. thats a nice thought. no protons ... hmmmm