Monday, November 20, 2006

bushes and buses

our police will soon be traveling undercover in buses to monitor reckless bus drivers. the move was decided quickly because it does not take much effort - all they need to do is shed their uniforms and the "h" in bushes (where they are positioned now) and jump on buses.

bukit aman is now said to be working out the finer points of the project.
* should these undercover cops carry guns? a debate is raging. some feel they should carry guns, like their counterparts directing traffic at trafic lights around the city. others, who feel that even traffics cops should lose their guns are scoffed? so how do we shoot those who beat red lights then?
* how should they behave on the bus? should they act normal, or their usual arrogant selves? if they have to act normal, they may have to be sent for a week-long kursus to remind them of how they were before they donned their uniform.
* should they wear their jangan rasuah badges? if they dont, how will people know what to do?
* what are they going to do through the journey? read?
* most errand buses ply the north south expressway, which takes a minimum of three hours one way. will other areas be neglected?
* how do the cops get publicity for the move? since they undercover, how do take pictures of the move for our local dailies?
* if they do manage to apprehend an errant driver, how do they publicise it? how do we position a journalist at the point of speeding? do we take an undercover reporter on board as well?
so many other things come to mind, but there are better things to think of at this point of time. so i wish them luck in another useless endeavour.

Friday, November 17, 2006

the pipit

"pipit" or "burung pipit" are commonly know by malaysians of all races. these small birds have always been a menace in most rice-growing areas. you can say that they are practically eating out of the rice bowl of others.

small in size,they are nevertheless friendly. they can be noisy, especially when in groups, but hardly create an impact. scientists and remaining political analysts realised a change in their character last week, when they started congregating in large numbers all around the city.

they were seen attacking other species, including the more regal falcons and eagles, other scavengers species, and likewise pests. the attacks were unabated. the pipit kept reminding that they are protected under the akta perlindungan kehidupan liar . some likened themselves to sleeping tigers, which incurred the wrath of these almost extinct species.

scientists are hoping that after the week, the pipit will return to their normal habitat, lounging around padi fields, or mamak stalls , while re-creating stories of their hey days. scientists hope they will stop brandishing their tiny beaks and, in the process, end up hurting themselves.

but the other worry scientists have is the scavenger birds which have been feeding off the pipit. several species have thrived over the years, partly by feeding the pipit's easily inflated egos. these scavengers have been known to disrupt large areas by creating drum-like sounds. they also move around in large numbers, which gives them more security and confidence.

foreign experts are being called in to ascertain the developments taking place among our bird species. telescopes are zooming in nationwide to check on the pipit. may good sense prevail among the birds.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

line clear

penang never fails to amaze. despite succumbing to development, it has intriguingly maintained its past. sitting on the fringes of soho pub at penang road, one can actually observe two worlds colliding. you can surf the net on wifi while having a pint. look right and you see foreigners guzzling beer in the comforts of a pub that serves at least nine varieties of draft.
look left, and barely fifty metres away you see tired rickshaw drivers sitting comfortably on the pavement, engaging in a game of checkers, surrounded by aggressive trannys waiting to pounce on passer-bys.

have to make my way through the crowd now to have some nasi kandar at line clear.

update: line clear was closed. how can line clear be closed? line tak clear lah! ... selamat.

Monday, November 13, 2006

delusional thoughts

last week saw more factual reports in our local dailies. topping the list was how malaysia has been placed in the same league as many developed nations for the first time. undp categorised malaysia as a high human development country.

our beaming prime minister said the standing reflects our strong and long-standing dedication to developing our healthcare services, provision of amenities and infrastructure as well as our enduring commitment to education, training and human capital development.

healthcare - we have tuberculosis now, thanks to the poor screening of foreign worker. malaria, dengue etc are rearing their ugly heads again, after the names were foreign to us for some time. there was a time when we could drink water straight from the tap. try it now.

provision of amenities and infrastructure - its been two years since i contacted my local town council to repair the playgrounds in my housing area. still waiting.

enduring commitment to education - we actually have to endure with teachers who are committed to their tuition classes, leaving hardly any time for lessons in schools.

training and human capaital development - sure ... we have more and more kursus and seminars taking place. not sure about the development though, unless you factor in the waistlines of out typical government servants.

but foreigners dont lie, unless they condemn us. praises are usually accepted with open arms.

esp if the foreigners also praise the quality of uitm graduates. at the university's 50th anniversary dinner recently, representatives from "prestigious" universities in canada, germany and japan sang praises of our uitm graduates. i hope they sang in malay, because thats thats about the only language these graduates understand.

Pack up my suitcase, give me my hat,
no use to ask me, baby, 'cause I'll never be back.
i can't be good no more, once like I did before.
i can't be good, baby,
honey, because the world's gone wrong.

dylan - world gone wrong (1993)